2D codes tagged on Parisian sidewalks

From July 2008 to July 2010, QR codes were stamped onto the pavement of famous Parisian intersections. Each intersection was tagged with a QR code that linked to multimedia content. Every two months, a new artist appropriated the installation by producing a playlist.
Geolocation technology can be used to annotate the city with data tags. Soon, these reality-augmenting tags will be ubiquitous. Information of all sorts related to our location (alerts, ads, traffic updates, neighborhood maps) will be accessible anywhere, anytime thanks to wireless technologies using QR codes and RFID chips.The DCODD project uses QR codes tagged on the streets of Paris in order to experiment artistically with this new trend, which will gradually become a part of our behaviors and perceptions of space and time.
In counterpoint to this growing hyper-localization, DCODD suggests delocalization. Instead of “You are here”, DCODD suggests “You are not here”, a “You are here, here, here and also over there”, or a “You are not now”. The project’s relation to the location is more offset than mimetic.